Will my air conditioner spread Coronavirus?

coronavirus bacteria

Further to our original post on March 5 – According to a recent news article published by Gulf News, Doctors in the UAE are of the firm opinion that the odds of COVID-19 spreading through AC ducts are close to zero https://gulfnews.com/uae/coronavirus-uae-can-you-catch-covid-19-through-your-air-conditioning-1.71593560.

As we continue to contain the spread of COVID 19 here in Dubai, the focus is on limiting exposure through wearing of masks, regular sanitisation and social distancing. If you have any concerns regarding the cleaning or maintenance of your AC system, please do not hesitate to contact our team.

**Original Post**

With all the ongoing news about the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve had a few customers ask us whether they should be concerned about their home or business air conditioning systems.

Current advice from the World Health Organisation indicates that the spread of COVID-19 “is mainly transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets rather than through the air”*.  There has been no specific direction regarding transmission through home or office air conditioning systems.

The most important advice is to frequently wash hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser. Which is why all of our technicians have hand sanitiser in their vans and are aware of the importance of good hygiene practices.

With that in mind you might be more likely to find a dead bird in your air conditioning system (yes, that does happen!) than spreading COVID-19. You can stay informed by following updates directly from the World Health Organisation.

What we do know is that a well maintained and regularly cleaned air conditioning and duct system in your property will limit the potential development of bacteria. It will also ensure your systems are working effectively and efficiently in the lead up to the long summer months here in Dubai.

If you have any other property maintenance questions, we’re happy to help dispel myths and provide advice based on 12 years of experience working in properties across Dubai. Simply post your questions on our social channels (facebook or instagram) or give us a call, we’d love to hear from you.

Dan and Colin
Co-owners – We Will Fix It

Two men talking in front of laptop


*Source: https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses